Let Us Help You Plan A Visit!
If you’re planning to visit Hope Church Mt. Airy for the first time, we want to do everything we can to make your visit as stress free as possible.
We are really excited that you would consider experiencing the community of Hope Church Mt. Airy, and we look forward to meeting you!

What You Can Expect To Find At Hope Church Mt. Airy
Our mission is to passionately follow Jesus and make Him visible, and that is seen in everything we do. That’s why we give to those in need, serve those who need a helping hand, reach out to those who are far from God, and plant more churches that will live to fulfill that same mission. We believe that bringing the church to more communities is a great way to reach more people with Jesus’ love.
Here’s some of the things you can expect to find when you visit:
- Biblical, relevant teaching that makes God’s Word understandable.
- Engaging, contemporary music as well as cherished hymns.
- A safe, fun, Jesus-centered environment for your kids.
- Casual dress is acceptable for our worship services, but if you prefer a suit or dress that is fine, but not expected.
- Services that last approximately 70-75 minutes.
- A guest parking area that is near the main entrance.
- A fresh cup of coffee that is always available to all guests and attenders.
- Signs that give clear directions to the worship center, restrooms, and children’s areas.
- Friendly volunteers ready to answer any questions that you may have.